Friday, March 31, 2017

JDBC of Limitations

JDBC of  Limitations:-

  è JDBC code is based on sql queries and these queries are database software  dependent sql queries so jdbc code is database software dependent persistence.

  è Changing database software in the middle of project development or in the middle of project production is very complex.

  è Jdbc code is having boiler plate code problem (writing same code in multiple apps either as it is or with minor changers)


       The jdbc placed multiple apps reaming same except sql query execution and its result processing.

  è Exception handling is mandatory because it raises the checked exception is called sql exception.

  è The select sql query execution gives Resultset object which is not serializable object to send over the network.

  è We cannot use object directly in persistence operations even though we get data in the form objects i.e we need to convert object data into simple values to use in persistence operations.

  è There is no direct support for services like caching transaction management and etc.

To overcome most of these problems use O-R Mapping to developed the persistence logic. 

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