Friday, March 31, 2017

Difference between Get() and load() in Hibernate

      Difference between Get() and load()   ?

performs early/eager loading of the record that means it loads record from database table to object irrespective of whether that object is used in further part of the application or not

method performs lazy loading of the records that means Hibernate framework retrives the record from table to object only where the utilization of the object is started  till that it gives proxy object to application.

      1.       Performs eager loading of object
      2.       Does not generate proxy object
      3.       Involves total one object of domain class in the loading of record.
      4.       Suitable to check whether record is available of not  
      5.       Returns null value when record is not available
      6.       Useful for immediate and granted utilization of record once the record loaded.
      7.        Useful in single layer environment
        1.       Performs lazy loading of object
        2.       Generates proxy objects
         3.       Involves total two objects of domain        class (one real one proxy object) in the  loading of record.
        4.       We should use this method by assuming  record is available 
        5.       Throws ObjectNotFoundException when  record is not available.
       6.       Useful for delayed of non-granted  utilization of the record once the record is  marked.
       7.       Useful in multilayer environment where the record marked in one layer will be utilized in another layer.

     Diffrence between update() merge() and saveorupdate() ?

      1.       Perform object updating/record updating 
      2.       Updating record without checking the availability of the record.
     3.       Generates only update query
     4.       Generates update query even through object data is matching that is available in the table.
      5.       Does not return any object representing the records that has to be updated.
      1.      Perform save/insert  of update operations on record
      2.      Update insert of updated the record by checking the availability of record.
      3.      Generates select query and insert/update query.
      4.      Does not generate update query.
      5.      Does not return any object representing the records that has to be updated.
      1.       Perform save/insert of update operations on record.
       2.       Update insert of updated the record by checking the availability of record
        3.       Generates select query and insert/update query.
4.       Does not generate update query.
        5.       Returns object representing the record that has to be updated of inserted

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