Friday, March 31, 2017

Features of Hibernate

1            Hibernate Features:-

Ø  Hibernate supports POJO/POJI model programing.

Ø  Hibernate is light weight.

Ø  Hibernate persistence logic is database independent i.e it is portable across the multiple Database software’s.

Ø  Gives database software independent query language called HQL(hibernate query language).

Ø  Provide caching/buffering support which holds database table records across the multiple same requests and reduces network round trips between java application and database software.

Ø  Gives built in JDBC connection pool and also allows to use third party JDBC con pool like C3p0,Proxool and server managed JDBC con pool.

Ø  Support Lazy loading.

Ø  Hibernate con load recorded from table into application not when code is executed but when the record   utilization is stared in the application this is called loading the record from DB table on demand basis.

Ø  Supports versioning
Allows to keep track of how many times the record is access and modify through hibernate persistence logic.

Ø  Supports Time stamping.
Allows to keep track of when the record is inserted / update through hibernate persistence logics (maintains date, time values).

Ø  Allows to create dynamic schema(database table creation dynamically)
Hibernate is capable of creating database table dynamic in new database software when the database software of the project’s changed dynamically.

Ø  Gives “Criteria API” to generate optimized SQL Queries.
Hibernate itself take the responsibility of generating best SQL query internally to give the good performance when  we work with  “Criteria API”.

Ø  Allows to develop objects based persistence logic.

Ø  Supports object based relationships like one-to-one,one-to-many,many-to-many,many-to-one and etc.

Ø  Easy to integrate with other java technology and java framework.

Ø  Exception handling is optional because hibernate exception are unchecked exception.

Ø  Allows to call pl/sql produres and functions.

Ø  Supports both xml based configurations and annotation based configurations.

Ø  Easy to learn and easy to use.

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