Saturday, April 1, 2017

Difference between Setter injection & constructor injection in Spring

               Difference between Setter injection & constructor injection?

è If bean class contains only one property or if all the property of bean class should participate in DI then go for constructor injection ,because construct injection is very faster than setter  injection

è If bean class contains more than one property and there is no need of making all properties participating in DI then we need to go for setter injection.


If bean class contains four properties and there is no need of making all properties participating in DI then we need to write max of four setter methods to performs setter injection. But we need to write four factorial (24) constructors to supports to constructor injection in all angles.

Settter Injection
Constructor Injection
            1.   Performs injection after creating mean                   class     object so it is bit delay injection
       1.       Performs  injection while creating bean class oj so no delay in injection
            2.      Support cyclic dependency injection
      2.       Doesn’t supports cyclic injection
            3.      <property> tag is required.
      3.       <condtructor-args> tag is required
            4.      To preforms setter injection on “n-                         parameters”      in all angles “n-setter”                    methods are required.
      4.       To preforms constructor injection on “n-parameters” in all angles n! Constructors are required.
             5.      If all properties are configured for setter              injection then container creates bean                    class object using 0-Param constructor
      5.       If all properties are configured for constructor  injection then container creates bean class object using Parameterized  constructor

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